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Dehydrated Recipes

Dehydrated Powdered Eggs | Commercial Dehydrators

Dehydrated eggs are a great way to create a lightweight and non-perishable source of protein. The process is simple, fun, and rewarding, making it a perfect activity for anyone who loves to cook or spend time outdoors.

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Can I dehydrate eggs? Yes Yes you can!!

Dehydrated Powdered eggs, Recipe, How and Why?

Dehydrating Powders and especially powdered eggs is easy and a great way to preserve long term when your hens are laying an abundance of eggs, as you know that time will soon come when they need to slow down at some point in the year. It is such a great option to ensure you have eggs on hand all year round and somewhat take the ease of the kitchen bench, dining table and floor. If you know you know! Or if you simply want to prepare for uncertain times ahead or when those egg shortages come up again, as we are sure they will. Again if you know,            you know……

When deciding on how to dehydrate your powdered eggs the best way to approach it is to consider your end use? If your aim is to purely only rehydrate them for scrambled eggs every morning then consider cooking them first before you dehydrate. We prefer dehydrating eggs raw as the possibilities are endless to use them when rehydrated. For example all baking needs, quiches, custards, scrambled eggs, French toast and many more possibilities. 

Your food dehydrator machine is the most important asset to create safe, shelf stable powdered eggs for long term preservation and storage. Here's some key points about why you need to consider your machine and the end product. Also have you heard about the Preposition 65 warning.

Benchfoods Dehydrators America Stainless steel dehydrator is designed for ongoing commercial grade use with our high-efficiency forced air convection system. 

  • Horizontal air flow technology - No need to rotate trays or flip product mid-cycle. Our units use horizontal airflow technology to create even drying across all trays every time. This creates a safe  end product as no food area is exposed to uneven dehydrating time. 
  • 304 Food Grade stainless steel mesh trays allow food to dry evenly on both sides.
  • Over 27 sq. ft of total tray area, you can dehydrate at commercial rates.
  • Adjustable temperature range between 85 - 195°F as well as ambient mode, running just the fans without activating the heating coil.
  • Using the 99 hour digital timer, you are able to set the time and return hours later with no stress. 
  • This highly efficient unit pulls up to 50% less energy than other models with the same dry time. 

When you choose a machine that is made full of plastics with a poor design in consistent heating fan technology you run the risk of your end product not being food safe and taking incredibly longer to dehydrate, that then still results in wet/dry patches.

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40 x 40cm Mesh Non-Stick Teflon Dehydrator Mats

$ 109.00 
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20 x 30 cm Premium Silicone Non-Stick Mesh Mats

$ 64.95 
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20 x 30 cm Premium Silicone Non-Stick Solid Mats

$ 59.95 
Most Popular
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Large Capacity
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High-Capacity Industrial Dehydrators

1 Trolley / 30 - 60 Tray / 8.8 - 17.7m² Total tray area

$ 45,599.00 
Sale 27% Off
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High-Capacity Industrial Dehydrators

2 Trolley / 60 - 120 Tray / 17.7 - 35.3m² Total tray area

$ 64,595.00 
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High-Capacity Industrial Dehydrators

4 Trolley / 120 - 240 Tray / 35.3 - 70.7m² Total tray area

$ 97,695.00 

Dehydrated Powdered eggs are definitely a taste all on their own, But if made right you'll find they are still fluffy, not grainy and when you cook adding some butter, smoked sea salt and herbs you'll find that they are a great option. Whether you are hiking in backcountry, a homesteader or prepper preparing for the apocalypse these are a must have pantry/bunker staple. 

IMPORTANT - safety information is you must dehydrate your eggs at a constant temperature between the temperatures of 135-145°F to stop salmonella poisoning and effectively dehydrate your eggs. Storing in the freezer can help stop the natural occurring fats in your dehydrated eggs turning rancid. 

The National Center for Home Food Preservation1 says:
        "...eggs are not recommended for home drying because of the high risk of food poisoning. Commercially dried milk and egg products are processed rapidly at temperatures high enough to prevent bacterial contamination. Home dryers cannot duplicate this process, and the safety of home-dried milk and egg products cannot be guaranteed."

How are commercial powdered eggs processed compared to Dehydrated eggs at home? 

Most powdered eggs are made using spray drying in the same way that powdered milk is made. The major advantages of powdered eggs over fresh eggs are the reduced weight per volume of whole egg equivalent and the shelf life. Other advantages include smaller usage of storage space, and lack of need for refrigeration.

When it comes to food preservation we prefer the Wallaby Mylar bag2 with oxygen absorber method but you can choose what works best for your family or what you have access to. 

However check out this great blog below on Mylar bags and why Wallaby are a the best choice in food preservation!3

So how do I dehydrate powdered eggs?

Its easy and here's a quick step by step method to make sure minimal hands-on effort is made so your dehydrator does the work.


  1. University of Missouri. How to Dehydrate Foods. URL: https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/gh1563
  2. Wallaby. Long Term Storage Solutions. URL: https://wallabygoods.com/collections/all
  3. Wallaby. Oxygen Absorbers: Everything You Need to Know: URL: https://wallabygoods.com/blogs/food-storage-tips/oxygen-absorbers-everything-you-need-to-know
Machine recommendation
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Prep time icon
Prep time
10 minutes
Dehydration time icon
Dehydrating time
12 hours
  • Eggs

1. Crack each egg into a separate bowl before adding to the blender/food processor or large mixing bowl to prevent a spoiled egg contaminating the whole batch

2. When all eggs are cracked pulse blend in a blender/Food processor until a fluffy light airy mixture is achieved with no visible white or yoke. If using a whisk and mixing bowl whisk until the above is achieved.

3. Pour out onto Stainless steel pan drip tray to create an even distributed amount on each tray, you could divide the mixture to match each tray before hand if you like.

4. Set your dehydrator to 145°F (63°C) for 12 hours

5. Place trays full of raw egg mixture into the dehydrator evenly spaced apart on rails

6. Close door and come back when the 12 hours is complete / you may want to check half way if you like through the viewing glass panel

7. When the time is up check that your dehydrated egg mixture is dry, cracked, crumbly with no visible moisture. ( if they are not completely dry then pop them back in for about 2 hours and then check again - repeat if still not completely dry)

8. Scrape dehydrated egg mixture off the trays onto a non stick solid mat to make it easier to add to your Nutra-bullet or blender

9. Blitz until a fine powder is achieved / you may want to do this in smaller batches. Once blitzed run through a sieve to create a fine fine powder. This will create a non grainy egg when rehydrated and cooked.

10. Store in Mylar bags with an oxygen absorber or however you prefer to store your food long term.


  • When Rehydrating your dehydrated Egg Powdered for use you want to use the ratio of 1 TBS Powdered egg to 2 TBS water
  • Recipe times will always vary as no ingredient or dehydrator room environment has the same moisture and heat content. Your eggs may need longer or shorter. Please always ensure the dehydrated ingredient is completely dry to ensure it is safe and shelf stable.
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Author Details

Kate Joncheff

Kate spends her days doing life as a mother of two young boys, working on her organic vegi garden and developing organic recipes that she shares with her friends via instagram. Researching and documenting comes naturally to Kate as share has a flare for design and photography.
